105 g
Retail price: 12.40 €
therapeutic herbal tea
This small, unobtrusive plant is called the “stone-breaker“ by the indigenous people of Amazonia. It grows naturally in Central America, as well as India and Southeast Asia. It was here that it became known as an important medicinal herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Chanca Piedra may help maintain healthy functioning of the digestive tract* and the stomach’s pH balance. It may support kidney excretion**. It may have a positive effect on blood pressure*** and blood sugar levels****. It may boost natural resilience.
Dried and shredded stem/leaf of the gale of the wind (Phyllanthus nirruri) plant.
Drop 2 tablespoons of Chanca Piedra into 1 litre of boiling water;
simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
Divide 1 litre of the infusion into three daily doses. Drink for the period of one month at least. Do not exceed recommended daily dose!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead